Thursday, 7 July 2011

A luckylucianoblog- The big bang gave us ninjas & twitter

 Ok pay attention!! some of humankind's greatest minds of the last 100 years, scribbling incomprehensible mathematics, on massive chalk boards, such as Georges Lemaitre, Alan Guth, Robert Dicke, gave us the Big bang and inflationary universe Theories. The consensus between all these great minds is that the universe is around 13.7 to 14.2 billion years old. That it just popped into being out of nothing, that its a part of a multiverse like 1000's of bubbles in your bath. It took less time to create the universe we live in, than it does to make to a cup of tea for the misses... After just 3 minutes nearly 95% of everything there is, was created. More than likely the trillions of atoms that make you and I up were around then as well. Ok so to recap, we have nothing then KABOOOM or in mathematical terms T = 0. Then we have a sudden expansion of space, things started to cool down and then gravity takes over, and then stars and galaxies started to form. Or as the meerkats on the television advert would say "SIMPLES".

So whats this all got to do with Ninjas and twitter you ask, well everything really... If our universe hadn't just popped into being all those billions of years ago, and gravity crushed hydrogen and helium clouds into stars, you and I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't have just watched an awesome movie " Ninja assassin" and you wouldn't be on twitter reading this now. I read everybody's tweets everyday with gusto, but I have yet to read one about someone marvelling at where we came from. How lucky we are to be able to sit in front of our laptops, or on our phones and tweet about anything and anybody. How lucky we are to be able to watch our favourite movies, and be arm chair critics armed with pop corn and strawberry cornetto's  `:-) If matter had been a fraction less than its counter part antimatter, none of this would have happened, if our wonderful planet Earth hadn't been in the goldilocks zone we would have been another mars. There would have been no cool Ninjas for me to watch on the big screen :-(
We should all take a moment or two everyday to just stop and marvel at our universe, use twitter to bring up debate on our origin. To challenge modern theories and ideology, did a god create all this or was it really just a quantum effect. I've heard it said once, that the odds of complicated and intelligent life such as are's being born is such a lucky event, as to be compared to a tornado blowing through a junk yard and piecing together a 747 jumbo. So next time your lost in life and ask for help on twitter, like I've just done, or are watching Ninjas kick ass, just take a moment out, and reflect on that single event that happened so long ago out of nothing.......that moment that gave us all life... that moment that has led us to the present day and that all important follow on twitter...

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