Friday 1 July 2011

A luckylucianoblog-My love of venice

If theres one city on earth that has blown me away it has to be venice... the moment you step out of the train station you enter into a magical world. A world seeped in history, amazing art and architecture, of unbelievable feats of engineering to rival the pyramids of Egypt.
The first time you see the Rialto bridge , you loose your breath, you become rooted to the spot, a tingle runs down your spine. I've sat for hours drinking coffee near the Rialto bridge, taking it all in, the palazzi that surround it magnificent and regal, the sounds of the grand canal echoing off the walls.
 Then you go deep inside Venice, walking for hours, lost in thought. The slap of water on the buildings, the aroma's pouring out of bars and shops assaulting your senses, overwhelming them, calling you. I love the rich colours reflecting of the waters as well, vivid reds, deep greens, purples and greys. The Tied up boats banging and bobbing to the wake of passing gondola's and speed boats. Every bridge, every stone, captivating its audience, a global audience, every race and creed happily lost in the back waters of venice.

I love this city so much, i could walk around for days, lost in its secrets and desires. At night its just something else, this truly would be a Vampires city of choice. The sounds and people entice you along, the restaurants warm and inviting. One of my dreams would be to own a home and boat in venice, to be able to visit the city at will, to feel her calling me back.
I have been to Paris, and don't get me wrong here, i love Paris but i don't believe it is the city of love, Venice is the city of lovers!!!....I've never seen so many shows of public affection as in Venice, couples just cant help themselves. It has so many places to just stop and hug and hold hands, to marvel at her beauty, to dream dreams.
I'm a fan of Venice as you can tell, I always feel her calling to me, and I always answer her call...She's like a siren to me. Venezia amore mio ti voglio tanto bene a sai :-)


  1. Hey Luciano

    Wow what an awesome story. I feel as though you have just taken me on a short but very personal journey through your special place. I feel humbled and honooured to have been able to read it. Well done mate. I look forward to more.


  2. Thanks mate you should do some of australia so i can see what its really like out there, I've just twitted you cause i couldn't figure out how to reply but as you see i have now lol
